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Fixation Academy of Performing Arts
Multi Award Winning Academy based in North London & Hertfordshire

Missing Student/Child Procedure

At Fixation Academy of Performing Arts we are also alert to the possibility that children can go missing during sessions.

The welfare of all our members at Fixation Academy of Performing Arts (FAPA)  is our paramount responsibility. Every adult who works at FAPA is aware that they have a key responsibility for helping to keep all of the members safe at all times. We make every effort to ensure that all children and young people are closely supervised so that they remain safe. This is especially important when we undertake outings. 

To minimise when the risk of this happening will carry out periodic head counts, particularly when transporting children between locations (eg walking from the Holiday Club to Academy or different parts of the location. 

Missing Children / Student / Member

It should be noted that a missing child could potentially be at risk of abuse or neglect. We are alert to that possibility and will notify all relevant authorities if it is deemed necessary. 

A student/child  is identified as missing when: 

  • Absent at registration is not confirmed by a parent or guardian. 
  • A fellow student / member reports a missing friend or classmate.
  • Staff become aware that a student / member is not present. 

All members are registered and sign in on arrival.  Staff are to check and ensure members are present throughout day. A list of absentees is held on the registers too. Therefore, for the purpose of this policy, the term ‘missing/lost child’ refers to a member who is not present without either authorisation or explanation. On occasions when a staff member identifies a child / young person as missing from their expected location, immediate action is required as outlined in the procedures below. 

  • All staff will be informed that the child is missing 
  • Staff will conduct a thorough search of the premises and surrounding area.
  • After 10 minutes the police will be informed. The manager will then contact the child’s parents or carers. 
  • Staff will continue to search for the child whilst waiting for the police and parents to arrive. 
  • We will maintain as normal a routine as possible for the rest of the children at the Academy or Holiday Club. 
  • The manager will liaise with the police and the child;s parent or carer.

This policy should be read in conjunction with the Safeguarding Policy and Procedures. 

The incident will be recorded in the Incident Log. A review will be conducted regarding this and any other related incidents along with relevant policies and procedures. We will identify and implement any changes as necessary.

The Incident Report will detail:

  • The date and time of the incident 
  • What staff/children were in the group/class 
  • When the child was last seen in the group 
  • What had taken place in the group/class since then and the time it is estimated that the child went missing. 

A conclusion is drawn as to how the breach of security happened and, if appropriate, procedures (including risk assessments and training) may be updated. 

Members of staff must refrain from making comments to members of the public; any questions must be referred to Director. 

Duty Social Worker Contact Information:

Academy / Holiday Camps within The Borough of Barnet                

  • Monday – Friday 9am-5pm – 020 8359 4405
  • Out of office hours emergency – 020 8359 2000

Classes within The Borough of Hertfordshire 

  • Anytime – 0300 123 4043 

Useful Numbers: 

  • Emergency Services: 999
  • Social Care: 020 8359 4066 
  • Ofsted: 0300 123 1231


Signed: L.DavittDate: 09 September 2024
Date to be reviewed: September 2025


  • Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2021): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Information for parents and carers (3.74).


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